Joint Design Studio – Zupančič

Joint Design Studio

The ‘Joint Design Studio’ is a learning environment, tailored together with mentors Robinson, Novljan and Ettlinger, to foster the interaction of Erasmus incoming students with the host learning community. We share the general pedagogical framework, entitled The Room and the City, An Exploration of Scales (through path, room, threshold, aperture and time). We take architect as a curator of an interrelational process, where contextual sensitivity is nurtured. We offer a variety of pedagogical approaches, contexts, contextual attitudes and processual frames, as well as regular opportunities for interaction between the four research through design trajectories.

The Room and the City – An Exploration of Scales

The Room – An Archive for the Map.  Spatial Mapping as a Generative Design Process.

The City – Unfolding the Archive and the Cultivation of Context.

Contextual Programming: Seeding the Archive. Contextual Interventions.

Group Zupančič

Marieke Van Dorpe, Barbora Výborová, Axel Schimpf, Fadi Suidan, Anna Kotlabová, Nina Alexandra Karelina, Viktorija Vitanova, Daniela Atanasio, Vildana Salanović, Barbora Grisova, Flora Stamm, Marcin Oleksza,  all Design Studio 5 (Erasmus majority),

Julia Cordero Pedrero and Daniela Leccese, both Design Studio 4 (Erasmus)

mentor: prof. dr. Tadeja Zupančič, u.d.i.a.

(collaborators are listed in the project descriptions)

In this group, the majority of students came for one semester. That’s why the joint framework is (re-)started in two different contexts. During the first semester, searching for and adapting to (different) physical contexts in Ljubljana is the key learning driver to improve contextual sensitivity through mapping, cultivating context and contextual interventions. During the second semester the physical context of A Hidden Place is chosen in advance but a restarted process is balanced in-betwen two notions of its temporality. The practical solutions for known users during the next two years are developed in a workshop setting  with external mentors and students. The more ‘permanent’ and perhaps visionary proposals are prepared in parallel by the individuals within the studio group setting.  The most extreme example is triggered by an imagination of architecture in 3020, adapted to a more realistic materialisation for the next decades.

Winter Semester

Mapping, Cultivating Context, Contextual Interventions
Mapping – The Room, An Archive for the Map

reading Ljubljana as a miltidimensional map

archive = lexicon – map, mapping, threshold, aperture, path, room

rhythmanalysis (Lefebvre)

spatial mapping as generative design process

spatial translation of the lexicon

Cultivating Context – the City, Unfolding the Archive

interpreting context

cultivating context

positioning as architect

Contextual Interventions – Seeding the Archive in Different Scales

architect as curator

Mapping… – Joint Practicum

 Daniela Atanasio, Vildana Salanović, Daniela Leccese, Julia Cordero, Flora Stamm, Barbora Grisova, Marcin Oleksza (group Zupančič)

Maria Kesy, Ichim Joana Bianca, Beatriz Silva, Paula Eden, Livia Mlakar, Tamara Nunčič, Pelayo Castano Gonzalez, Pablo Genoves (group Novljan)

mentors: prof. dr. Tadeja Zupančič, izr. prof. dr. Tomaž Novljan; consultant: Viktorija Bogdanova

To draw a sketch of an urban space is relatively easy. By aiming and transferring relationships on paper and simultaneous use of the laws of  perspective, it is possible to get a good 2D image of 3D reality. However, identifying and drawing the essential spatial elements is more demanding task. It requires an implementation of mental process of reading and abstraction of space, through which   everything that is irrelevant is disregarded and only essential is preserved. Only then can the transformation of the urban space begin in an original/authentic way.

With the aim of experimenting the above stated, two groups of Erasmus students under the mentorship of Tadeja Zupančič and Tomaž Novljan recorded the spatial sequences of the Ljubljanica waterfront. A time frame of maximum 10 minutes was available for researching each sequence. Over a strictly limited time, students gradually began to perceive, read, and record only the essential components of individual ambiences. Using artistic elements of plane, line, light and shadow, increasingly simple sketches were gradually created, which unequivocally interpret the extracted characteristics of the riverfront ambiences between the St. Jacob’s and the Shoemakers’s bridges. (text by T. Novljan)


Mapping… – Studio

Viktorija Vitanova, Daniela Atanasio, Vildana Salanović, Barbora Grisova, Flora Stamm, Marcin Oleksza, all Design Studio 5 (Erasmus majority),

Julia Cordero Pedrero and Daniela Leccese, both Design Studio 4 (Erasmus),

consultant: Viktorija Bogdanova

Looking through Other Eyes

Julia Cordero Pedrero

Rhythm of Nature

Vildana Salanović

Decision Making

Daniela Lecesse

New Park in Šiška

Daniela Atanasio


Viktorija Vitanova


Summer Semester

A Hidden Place

Workshop and Studio


archive = lexicon – map, mapping, threshold, aperture, path, room

notions of temporality: rhythmanalysis + examples of temporal use

lexicon, temporal use and placemaking

Cultivating Context


temporalities of hidden place

Contextual Interventions – Seeding the Archive in Different Time-Frames

architect as curator


A Hidden Place – Workshop

Marieke Van Dorpe, Axel Schimpf, Barbora Výborová, Fadi Suidan, Anna Kotlabová, Nina Alexandra Karelina, all Design Studio 5  Erasmus, Julia Cordero Pedrero in Daniela Leccese, both Design Studio 4 Erasmus (group Zupančič);

Lucie Zadrapova, Zuzana Šutvajova, Julia Sepúlveda Antón, Paula Mora de Urquiza, Natalia Caparrós Pérez (group Ettlinger);

Oriol Gracia (group Robinson),

Natalia Caparrós, Lara Jana Gabrijel, Ivana Gligorovska, Daniel Hernandez, Urša Katin Koželj, Xavier Llerena, Eider Oruezabala, Nives Otaševič, Maja Perpar, Lea Elena Vidmar, Klemen Žibert  (other seminars)

tutors from FA: znan. sod. dr. Špela Verovšek, prof. dr. Tadeja Zupančič, doc. dr. Matevž Juvančič; guest tutors from the cultural group  Prostorož: Alenka Korenjak, Maša Cvetko, Zala Velkavrh, guest collaborators from Trajna: Gaja Mežnarić Osole, Andrej Koruza, Primož Turnšek

Architectural and urban design workshop is dealing with the abandoned construction site of ‘Bežigrajski dvori’ and searching for new opportunities for temporary use and new development visions, together with the cultural group Prostorož, the nomadic platoform Trajna and local people – all in the framework of the European project A-Place (Creative Europe). Students are deadling with actual stakeholders and the temporality of two years; the ideal of field-work is broken during the COVID-istuation and the workshop is continued as a simulation of field-work. At the end of the semester the circumstances are changed to the extend that a call for a spatial materialisation of the main project idea to the local public can be launched. For the students of the second semester of the Joint Design Studio – group Zupančič (Marieke, Axel, Barbora, Fadi, Anna, Nina, Julia and Daniela), the workshop is an obligatory collective starting point of the studio learning.

Group projects:  

A Growing Place (Lara Jana, Oriol, Daniel, Daniela, Eider),

A Connective Place (Zuzana, Anna, Lucie, Barbora, Nina Alexandra),

A Converging Place (Xavier, Nives, Lea Elena, Klemen, Marieke),

A Colourful Place (Natalia, Julia C., Paula, Julia S.), 

A Growing Place (Urša, Ivana, Maja, Axel, Fadi).

A Hidden Place – Studio

Marieke Van Dorpe, Barbora Výborová, Axel Schimpf, Fadi Suidan, Anna Kotlabová, Nina Alexandra Karelina,  all Design Studio 5 (Erasmus),

Julia Cordero Pedrero and Daniela Leccese, both Design Studio 4 (Erasmus),

consultants: doc. dr. Simon Petrovčič, doc. dr. Domen Kušar, guest critic: doc. dr. Matevž Juvančič

Court Building Dunajska

Barbora Výborová

Bežigrad Underground

Marieke Van Dorpe

Bežigrad Colours

Daniela Lecesse

Bežigrad Ramps

Julia Cordero

Bežigrad Gates

Axel Schimpf

Growing Living Place
Fadi Suidan
Living and Working by Dunajska

Nina Alexandra Karelina

Living in the Park

Anna Kotlabová