Michael Gingele
mentor/-ica: izr. prof. dr. Sonja Ifko
The building that lies in the focus of this work began its history as a heating house for the railway company and experienced a lot of additions, demolitions and changes. As of now, you can find an IT office, a theater, a climbing hall and the blacksmith workshop there.
In the urban concept, the function of the site will gradually focus more on cultural and public activities, so in addition to the gallery/library in the foundry, the IT office can be replaced with a restaurant which will profit from a special character that can be regained for this part.
On the other part, the complex will focus on education – the blacksmith can offer workshops for the public and the theater can be improved and expanded by a cinema and acting/movie workshops.
The vision for the theater and the cinema is to have a shared entranced and several common places to facilitate the programs of production space for visual art.
#trajnostna urbana regeneracija, #revitalizacija mestnih območij #industrijska dediščina #prenova industrijskih stavb in območij