The green living community
Flora Stamm
mentor: izr. prof. dr. Matej Blenkuš, u.d.i.a.,
asistent: Primož Žitnik, u.d.i.a.,
konzultanta: Ajdin Bajrović, u.d.i.a in Dominik Košak, m.i.a.
The project is located in Trata, which is the outer part of the city Skofia Loka. In this area mainly residence, agriculture and also fabrics are situated. The main focus in this project is to revive the location. One is to set up a circular economy with roof gardens on the four buildings. Through the common activity of planting, the workers of the agriculture fields and neighbours can connect to the inhabitants of the new residence. It serves as a base to educate and exchange knowledge and provides income through selling crops in the local farmer market. The buildings are offering different sizes of apartments to claim for a variety of inhabitants. Also, the commercial base offers a diverse range of shops and services which makes the area attractive and living. By the orientation of the buildings a ventilation is given to provide fresh air in the industry polluted site. The wood construction is a sustainable technique of using renewable raw materials which can serve as a future example for the city.
#stanovanjska gradnja #stavbe mešane rabe #javni prostor
- A: Delitveno gospodarstvo
- A: Družbena vpetost
- A: Enomaterialnost
- A: Identiteta kraja
- A: Krožno gospodarstvo
- A: Mikroklimatske priložnosti
- A: Od zibelke do zibelke
- A: Okoljski odtis
- A: Ponovna uporaba
- A: Prekrivajoča se raba
- A: Prilagodljivost
- A: Sončna energija
- A: Toplotna masa
- A: Trajnostna mobilnost
- A: Urbano vrtnarstvo
- A: Vzdrzljivost
- Botanika oblakov
- Build a block
- Fizioterapija med oblaki
- Fotografiranje v oblakih
- Intermodalna galerija
- Jazz Koncert z oblaki
- Katalog
- Konjeniški park
- Kulturna rekreacija
- Leseni svetilnik
- Literat nad oblaki
- Mediateka
- Oblikovanje oblakov
- Os(novna) izobraževanja
- Parkirana stanovanja
- Performativna umetnost oblaka
- Prenova vasi Stožice
- Prireditvena garaža
- Produktivno bivanje
- Prostor vmes
- Reprogramming landscape
- Skupnostna soseska
- Skupnostna soseska 2
- Skupnostni center ponovne uporabe
- Stanovanja med oblaki
- The green living community
- Trajnostna roman(t)ika
- Trgovska mreža
- Urbana vas
- VHV center
- Vzorčna tovarna
- Zelene terase