Emilija Aleksijoska
mentor: prof. Maruša Zorec
asistent: asist. Uroš Rustja
demonstratorja: Tadej Bolta, Andraž Keršič
Tavern is the the first building that awaits you when you enter the village and directs you towards the castle. Its place is a focal point. Concept of my project is focused around the common space – a place for gathering. In order not to hinder the perspective view from the village towards the landscape, and vice versa, I demolished the old building and installed two new ones. Built out of rammed earth, walls of the new buildings rise from the ground. With my new intervention, I am trying to help the problem Goričko region faces. Emigration of young people and lonely elderly population. One part of the building remains a tavern, accompanied by a family house of the owner. In the other building, the space is intended for workshops where young people learn from the elderly masters. Space in between becomes a large square shaded by the canopies of the existing walnut trees. Connection of village with nature becomes the main theme of the project. The movement through the square, via the space between the rammed earth walls and workshops that leads to the top of the hill. From there, views open towards the castle and the landscape.
#živeti z zemljo #oživljanje podeželja #krajinski park goričko #skupnost #samooskrba #sadjarstvo #zeliščarstvo #kulinarika
- 1letnik: Atrij3drevo
- 1letnik: Drobci v času
- 1letnik: Ob mestnih vratih
- 1letnik: Pesem o kamnu
- 1letnik: Pesem o pogledu
- 1letnik: Plastenje pogledov
- 1letnik: Pletenje pokrajine
- 1letnik: Pod plastmi tišine
- 1letnik: Pogled v horizont
- 1letnik: Prostost umetnosti
- 1letnik: Ritem mesta
- 1letnik: Skozi vrata
- 1letnik: Transparentnost prostorov
- 1letnik: Zavetje oboda
- Analiza: Elementi
- Analiza: Glina
- Analiza: Krajina
- Analiza: Les
- Analiza: Slama
- Grad: For the people
- Grad: Izven zidov
- Grad: Obujena praznina
- Grad: Odstiranje slojev
- Grad: Preboj v naravo
- Grad: Stik tradicije in mladosti
- Kmetije: Družina in delo
- Marof: Center starejših Marof
- Marof: Center za terapijo z živalmi
- Marof: Druženje z živalmi
- Marof: Goričke sobe
- Marof: Otroci na Marofu
- Pristava: Grajsko pribivanje
- Pristava: Mèšterske delavnice
- Pristava: PRIstava
- Pristava: Pristava Brewery
- Pristava: Workshops and Gallery
- Taverna: Dig for Victory
- Taverna: Dotik
- Taverna: Kulinarična zadruga
- Vinska klet: Guba
- Vinska klet: Iz zemlje gre v trte
- Vinska klet: Linija med trtami
- Vinska klet: Med nebom, zemljo in vinom
- Vinska klet: Med temo in svetlobo
- Vinska klet: Med vasjo in trtami
- Vinska klet: Pot, razgled in vino
- Vinska klet: Ujeto v zemlji
- Vinska klet: V zemlji
- Vinska klet: Vino in krajina
- Vinska klet: Wine Cellar, Covered Market and Restaurant