
Jana Sedlačkova

mentor/-ica: izr. prof. dr. Sonja Ifko

Art Hub is a part of the project UPS Parmova. Its goal is to find a proper program for an industrial heritage, which will support the locals living and working in the area while using small interventions. Main characters in this project are three buildings named Atelier, Train Depot and Triple House. As the Atelier building is currently used by an artist, the idea was to maintain the spirit which had been once brought in, and to offer the space to artists to develop or finish their work. By clearing the main hall of the Train Depot, a universal space will be established to host concerts, lectures, exhibitions or workshops. The Triple House completes the program with office of different dispositions for long or short term rental and a small print shop. All buildings will be furnished by a light outdoor construction of steel and glass to unite the design and program.

#trajnostna urbana regeneracija, #revitalizacija mestnih območij  #industrijska dediščina #prenova industrijskih stavb in območij
